After the Spike Belt system has been used, it should be carefully inspected and a new Spike Belt Re-built. The sleeve must be opened and inspected for damaged and good sections.
When inspecting the Spike-Belt, open the deployment sleeve by disconnecting the winder.

When the system is hit one or more sections might need to be replaced. In this case the spikes push through Strip, and the deployment sleeve and damages both.

Take out the damaged strip(s) and set them aside. Save the good Strips to assemble into a new deployment sleeve to build your new Spike Belt.

Replace the good strips into a new sleeve. Re-connect the winder to the sleeve.
Wind up the Cord-reel and inspect the reel via the mouth to assure it is properly wound up and has no debris.
The old sleeve one can serves for a training sleeve. Old Strips can be used as trainers if Spikes are pulled.
To depose of the strips, read on the label for recycling instructions.
Deploy the unit to test that the system is properly assembled. With the Spike-Strip expanded, and retrieved it should test that the spike strips are in place and the sleeve fastened to the cord reel.
The old sleeve can serves for a training sleeve. Old Strips can be used as trainers if Spikes are pulled.
To depose of the Strips, read on the label for recycling instructions.